Friday, February 10, 2012


Nahj-ul Balagha
Sermons, Letters, and Sayings of Ameer al-Mu'mineen, the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.)

1. The Creation of Earth and Sky and the Birth of AdamThe Creation of the Universe The Creation of the Angels Description of the Creation of Adam Allah chooses His Prophets The Prophethood of Muhammad The Holy Qur'an and Sunnah About Hajj

2. Arabia before proclamation of ProphethoodAbout Al an-Nabi (the Household of the Holy Prophet) About the Hypocrites

3. The Sermon of ash-Shiqshiqiyyah - Amir al-mu'minin's view about the First three Caliphs' rule, troubles created by the opponents during his own rule

4. Amir al-mu'minin's far-sightedness and his staunch conviction in belief

5. Delivered when the Holy Prophet died and 'Abbas ibn `Abd al-Muttalib and Abu Sufyan ibn Harb offered to pay allegiance to Amir al-mu'minin for the Caliphate

6. Delivered on being advised not to chase Talhah ibn `Ubaydillah and az-Zubayr ibn al-'Awwam for fighting

7. About the Hypocrites

8. Said about az-Zubayr at a time for which it was appropriates

9. Cowardice of the people of Jamal

10. About Talhah and az-Zubayr

11. Delivered in the Battle of Jamal when Amir al-mu'minin gave the standard to his own son Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah

12. When Allah gave Amir al-mu'minin victory over the enemy at the Battle of Jamal one of his comrades said on that occasion, "I wish my brother so-and-so had been present and he too would have seen what success and victory Allah had given you," whereupon Amir al-mu'minin said

13. Condemning the people of Basrah

14. Condemning the people of Basrah

15. After resuming the land grants made by `Uthman ibn `Affan

16. Delivered when allegiance was sworn to him at Medina

17. About those who sit for dispensation of justice among people but are not fit for it

18. In disparagement of the differences of view among theologians

19. About the treachery and hypoeracy of al-Ash'ath ibn Qays al-Kindi

20. Death and taking lessons from it

21. Advice to keep light in this world

22. About those who accused Amir al-mu'minin of `Uthman's killing

23. About keeping aloof from envy, and good behaviours towards kith and kin

24. Exhorting people for jihad

25. After devastation spread by Busr ibn Abi Arta

26. Arabia before the proclamation of Prophethood On the attentiveness of the people after the death of the Holy Prophet On the settlement between Mu'awiyah and `Amr ibn al-'As

27. Exhorting people for jihad

28. About the transient nature of this world and importance of the next world

29. About those who found pretext at the time of jihad

30. Attitude in connection with `Uthman ibn `Affan's killing

31. At the time of sending `Abdullah ibn Abbas to az-Zubayr ibn `Awwam on the eve of the battle of Jamal

32. About the disparagement of the world and categories of its people

33. At the time of setting off for the Battle of Jamal

34. Exhorting people to fight against the people of Syria (ash-Sham)

35. About Arbitration

36. Warning the people of Nahrawan of their fate

37. Amir al-mu'minin's utterance which runs like a sermon. About his own stead-fastness in religion and precedence in (acceptance of) belief

38. About naming of doubt as such and disparagement of those in doubt

39. in disparagement of those who shrink from fighting

40. In reply to the slogan of the Kharijites that there is no verdict save of Allah

41. In condemnation of treason

42. About heart's desires and extended hopes

43. When people advised Amir al-mu'minin to fight

44. When Masqalah ibn Hubayrah ash-Shaybani fled away to Mu'awiyah

45. About Allah's greatness and lowliness of this world

46. At the time of marching towards Syria (ash-Sham)

47. About calamaties befalling Kufah

48. At the time of marching towards Syria (ash-Sham)

49. About Allah's Greatness and Sublimity

50. Admixture of right and wrong

51. When the Syrians stopped the Supply of water

52. About the downfall of the world and reward and punishment of the next world

53. Qualities of the animal meant for sacrifice (on `Id al-Adha)

54. On the swear of allegiance

55- When people thought Amir al-mu'minin was delaying the permission to fight in Siffin

56. About steadiness in the battle-field

57. About Mu'Awiyah

58. Prophecy about the Kharijites

59. Prophecy about the defeat of the Kharijites

60. When Amir al-mu'minin was told that the Kharijites had been totally killed

61. About the Kharijites

62. On being threatened of being killed by deceit

63. About the transience of the world

64. About decline and destruction of the world

65. About Allah's attributes

66. In some of the days of Siffin Amir al-mu'minin said to his followers about ways of fighting

67. On hearing the account of what took place in Saqifah of Bani Sa'idah

68. On hearing the news of Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr's death

69. Admonishing his companions about careless behaviour

70. At down of the night of assassination

71. In condemnation of the people of Iraq

72. How to seek blessings on the Prophet

73. When Hasan and Husayn interceded on behalf of Marwan ibn al-Hakam

74. When the Consultative Committee (of Shura) decided to swear allegiance to 'Uthman ibn `Affan

75. When the Umayyads accused Amir al-mu'minin of killing Uthman

76. About preaching and counselling

77. About Umayyads

78. Supplications of Amir al-mu'minin

79. About the prophecy of astrologers

80. Physical defects of women

81. About the way of preaching and counselling

82. About the world and its people

83. The brilliant SermonEnjoining people to Piety Caution against this world Death and Resurrection The limitation of Life No happiness without Piety Reminding people of Allah's bounties Preparation for the Day of Judgement Warning against Satan About the Creation of Man The lesson to be learnt from those who have passed away

84. About `Amr ibn al-'As

85. About the perfection of Allah and counsellingAbout Paradise

86. About getting ready for the next world and following Allah's commandments

87. The qualities of a faithful believerThe characteristics of an unfaithful believer About the Descendents (`Itrah) of the Holy Prophet About Bani Umayyah (Umayyads)

88. About the division of the community into factions

89. About the Holy Prophet

90. Allah's attributes and some advice

91. The Sermon of Skeletons (Khutbatu'l-Ashbah)Description of Allah Attributes of Allah as described in the holy Qur'an About Allah's Creation About the greatest perfection in Allah's creation Description of the Sky Description of Angels In description of earth and its spreading on water On the creation of Man and the sending of the Prophet

92. When allegiance was sworn to Amir al-mu'minin

93. About the annihilation of the Kharijites, the mischief mongering of Umayyads and the vastness of his own knowledge

94. Allah's praise and eulogy of the prophetsAbout the prophets About the Holy Prophet and his Descendants (`Itrah)

95. About the condition of the people at the time of the Prophet's proclamation and his actions to do with the dissemination of his message

96. In eulogy of the Holy ProphetAbout the Holy Prophet

97. Admonishing his own companion About the Household of the Holy Prophet

98. Oppression of the Umayyads

99. About abstinence of the world and vicissitudes of time

100. About the Holy Prophet and his Descendants

101. About the vicissitudes of time

102. About the Day of JudgementAbout future troubles (fitan)

103. About abstemiousness and fear of AllahOn the attributions of a learned person Concerning future times

104. About the condition of the people before the proclamation of prophethood and the Prophet's performance in spreading his message

105. In eulogy of the Holy ProphetAbout the Umayyads About the functions of the Imams

106. About IslamAbout the Holy Prophet Addressed to his followers

107. Delivered during one of the days in Siffin

108. About the vicissitudes of timeAbout the Holy Prophet Blaming Muslims

109. About the Might of AllahAbout the Angels About the bounties and guidance of Allah, and those who are ungrateful About Death About the Day of Judgement About the Holy Prophet About the Descendants of the Holy Prophet

110. About IslamAbout the holy Qur'an and Sunnah

111. Caution about this world

112. About the Angel of Death and departing of spirit

113. About this world and its people

114. About abstemiousness, fear of Allah and importance of providing for the next lifeEnjoining people to Piety

115. Seeking rain

116. About troubles which would arise and the Day of JudgementComplaining about his men

117. Rebuking Misers

118. In praise of his faithful companions

119. On his companions keeping silence when called to jihad

120. About the greatness of Ahlu'l-bayt and the importance of the laws of Islam

121. In reply to a person who raised objection about Arbitration during the course of a sermon

122. In reply to Kharijites when they became adamant in rejecting the Arbitration

123. Amir al-mu'minin's address to his followers on the battlefield of Siffin: About supporting the weak and the low-spirited during the fighting

124. To exhort his followers to fight

125. About the Kharijites and their opinion on Arbitration

126. In reply to objections on equal distribution from the Bayt al-mal (Muslim Public Treasury)

127. About the Kharijites

128. About important happenings at BasrahReferring to the Turks (Mongols)

129. About measures and weights, the transience of this world and the condition of its people

130. Delivered when Abu Dharr was exiled to ar-Rabadhah

131. Grounds for accepting the caliphate and the qualities of a ruler and governor

132. Warning about death and counselling

133. On the Glory of AllahAbout the Holy Qur'an About the Holy Prophet About this world A caution

134. In reply to `Umar ibn al-Khatab who consulted him about taking part in the battle against Byzantine

135. Addressing al-Mughirah ibn al-Akhnas when he wanted to speak in support of `Uthman (ibn `Affan)

136. About the sincerity of his own intention and support of the oppressed

137. About Talhah and az-Zubayr

138. Referring to events in the future

139. On the occasion of the Consultative Committee (after the death of `Umar ibn al-Khattab)

140. About backbiting and speaking ill of others

141. Against reliance on heresy

142. Against misplaced generosity

143. Praying for rain

144. Deputation of ProphetsThe position of Ahlu'l-bayt (the Household of the Holy Prophet) About those who are against the Ahlu'l-bayt

145. About this worldOn innovation (bid`ah)

146. Spoken when `Umar ibn al-Khattab consulted Amir al-mu'minin about taking part in the battle of Persia

147. The purpose of the deputation of the Holy Prophet and the condition of the time when people would go against the Qur'anOn the future About Ahlu'l-bayt

148. About Talhah and az-Zubayr and the people of Basrah

149. Before his passing away (last will)

150. About future events and some activities of the hypocrites

151. The condition of the people during disorder, and advice against oppression and unlawful earning

152. About the greatness and the attributes of AllahAbout the Divine leaders (Imams)

153. About negligent persons and the characteristics of beasts, carnivores and women

154. About the Ahlu't-bayt (of the Holy Prophet) and their opposers

155. About the wonderful creation of the bat

156. About the malice borne by `A'ishah, and warning the people of Basrah about what was to occur

157. Urging people towards Piety (taqwa)

158. About the Holy Prophet and the Holy Qur'anAbout the autocracy of the Umayyads

159. Good behaviour with people and iguoring their faults

160. Praise of AllahGreatness of Allah About hope and fear in Allah The example of the Holy Prophet The example of Musa (Moses) The example of Dawud (David) The example of `Isa (Jesus) Following the example of the holy Prophet The example of himself (Amir al-mu'minin)

161. Deputation of the Holy ProphetDrawing lessons from this world

162. Reasons for keeping Amir al-mu'minin away from the caliphate

163. Attributes of AllahAllah, the Originator from nought About man's creation, and pointing towards the requirements of life

164. Dialogue with `Uthman (ibn `Affan)

165. Describing the wonderful creation of the peacock: About the wonderful creation of birdsAbout the peocock The magnificence of the Creator in great and small creation Describing Paradise Note explaining some of the wonderful and obscure portions of this sermon

166. Advice for observing courtesy and kindness and keeping in and out of the sameAbout the autocracy and oppression of the Umayyads and their fate The cause of tyranny

167. At the beginning of his Caliphate: Fulfilment of rights and obligations, and advice to fear Allah in all matters

168. In reply to the people's demand for avenging `Uthman's blood

169. When the people of Jamal set off for Basrah

170. In reply to a man who came from Basrah to enquire about Amir al-mu'minin's position vis-a-vis the people of Jamal

171. When Amir al-mu'minin decided to fight the enemy face to face at Siffin

172. About the Consultative Committee and the battle of JamalAbout the Consultative Committee after the death of `Umar ibn al-Khattab Describing the people of Jamal

173. On eligibility for the caliphateThe need for sagacity in fighting against Muslims The behaviour of this world with its adherents

174. About Talhah ibn `Ubaydillah. Delivered when he received the news that Talhah and az-Zubayr had already left for Basrah to fight against him

175. Warning to neglectful people, and about the vastness of his own knowledge

176. PreachingThe greatness of the Holy Qur'an About the believers and their good deeds; and the hypocrites and their bad deeds Following the sunnah and refraining from innovation Guidance from the Holy Qur'an Categories of oppression

177. About the two arbiters (after the battle of Siffin)

178. Praise of Allah, transience of this world, and causes of the decline of Alla-h's blessings. (Delivered at the beginning of his caliphate after the killing of `Uthman)

179. in reply to Dhi`lib al-Yamani's question about seeing Allah

180. Condemning his disobedient men

181. About the group which was intended to join the Kharijites

182. About Allah's attributes, His creatures and His being above physical limitationsAn account of past peoples and about learning from them About the Imam al-Mahdi On the method of his ruling, and grief over the martyrdom of his companions

183. Praise of Allah for His bountiesAbout the greatness and importance of the Holy Qur'an Warning against punishment on the Day of Judgement

184. About the Kharijites slogan "Command behoves only Allah"

185. Praise of Allah and His wonderful creaturesAbout the Holy Prophet About the creation of animal species The Creation of the Universe The wonderful creation of the locust About the Glory of Allah

186. About the Oneness of Allah

187. Regarding the vicissitudes of time (the mischiefs that are to occur and the absence of lawful ways of livelihood

188. Allah's favoursThe condition of people while dying Transience of this world

189. Steadfast and transient beliefThe challenge "Ask me before you miss me" and prophecy about the Umayyads

190. Importance of fear of Allah, desolateless of the graves, and about the death of the lovers of Ahlu'l-bayt (the household of the Holy Prophet) being like that of a martyr

191. Praise of Allah Advice about fear of Allah and an accountof this world and its people

192. Known as "al-Khutbah al-Qasi'ah" (The Sermon of Disparagement [against Satan] )...
Allah's trial and the vanity of Iblis...
arning against Satan
Caution against vanity and boasting about ignorance
Caution against obeying haughty leaders and elders
The humbleness of the Holy Prophet
The Holy Ka'bah
Caution against rebellion and oppressiveness
Enthusiasm for attractive manners, respectable position, and taking lessons from the past
Condemning his people
Amir al-mu'minin's high position and wonderful deeds in Islam

193. Qualities of the God-fearing, the effect of preaching on minds amenable to it, etc.

194. About the deputation of the Holy Prophet, the animosity of the Arab tribes and the position of the hypocrites

195. Allah's praise, advice about fear of Allah and details about the Day of Judgement

196. The condition of the world at the time of the proclamation of prophethood, the transience of this world and the state of its inhabitants

197. Amir al-mu'minin's attachment to the Holy Prophet: The performance of his funeral rites

198. Allah's attributes of Omniscience...
Advantages of fear of Allah
About Islam
About the Holy Prophet
About the Holy Qur'an

199. Containing advice given by Amir al-mu'minin to his companions: About Prayer...
About the Islamic tax (zakat)
Fulfilment of Trust

200. Treason and treachery of Mu'awiyah and the fate of those guilty of treason

201. One should not be afraid of the scarcity of those who tread on the right path

202. On the occasion of the burial of Hadrat Fatimah (p.b.u.h.)

203. Transience of this world, and importance of collecting provisions for the next world

204. Warning his companions about the dangers of the Day of Judgement

205. In reply to Talhah and az-Zubayr's complaint about not consulting them

206. When Amir al-mu'minin heard some of his men abusing the Syrians during the battle of Siffin

207. On Imam al-Hasan when Amir al-mu'minin saw him proceeding rapidly to fight in the battle of Siffin

208. When Amir al-mu`minin's army was on the verge of mutiny in connection with arbitration

209. When Amir al-mu'minin went to enquire about the health of his companion al-Ala-'ibn Ziyad al-Harithi and noticed the vastness of his house

210. Causes of difference in the traditions and categories of the relaters of traditions...
First: The lying hypocrites
Second: Those who are mistaken
Third: Those who are ignorant
Fourth: Those who memorize truthfully

211. The Greatness of Allah and the creation of the Universe

212. About those who give up supporting right

213. The sublimity of Allah and a eulogy of the Prophet...
About the Prophet

214. The Prophet's nobility of descent...
The characteristics of the virtuous whose guidance must be followed

215. A prayer which Amir al-mu'minin often recited

216. Delivered at the battle of Siffin: Mutual rights of the ruler and the ruled

217. About the excesses of the Quraysh

218. About those who went to Basrah to fight Amir al-mu'minin

219. When Amir al-mu'minin passed by the corpses of Talhah ibn `Ubaydullah and `Abd ar-Rahman ibn 'Attab ibn Asid who were both killed in the battle of jamal /a>

220. Qualities of the God-fearing and the pious

221. Delivered after reciting the verse: Engage (your) vying in exuberance, until ye come to the graves. (Qur'an, 102:1-2)

222. Delivered after reciting the verse: . . . therein declare glory unto Him in the mornings and the evenings; Men whom neither merchandise nor any sale diverteth from the remembrance of Allah and constancy in prayer and paying the poor-rate; they fear the day when the hearts and eyes shall writhe of the anguish. (Qur'an, 24:36-37)

223. Delivered after reciting the verse: O' thou man! what hath beguild thee from thy Lord, the Most Gracious One. (Qur'an, 82:6)

224. About keeping aloof from oppression and misappropriation. 'Aqil's condition of poverty and destitution

225. Supplication

226. Transience of the world and the helplessness of those in graves

227. Supplication

228. About a companion who passed away from this world before the occurance of troubles

229. About allegiance to Amir al-mu'minin for the Caliphate

230. Advice about fear of Allah, and an account of those who remain apprehensive of death and adopt abstemiousness ...

231. Delivered (when he was marching) towards Basrah

232. Delivered when Abdullah ibn Zama'ah asked for some money (from the Public Treasury)

233. On Ja'dah ibn Hubayrah al-Makhzumi's inability to deliver a sermon: About speaking the truth

234. Causes for difference in the features and traits of people

235. Spoken when Amir al-mu'minin was busy in the funeral ablution (ghusl) of the Holy Prophet and shrouding him

236. About following the Prophet after his immigration to Mecca

237. About collecting provision for the next world while in this world and performing good acts before death

238. About the two arbitrators (Abu Musa al-Ash'ari and `Amr ibn al-'As) and disparagement of the people of Syria (ash-Sham)

239. Describing the members of the Prophet's family

240. When `Uthman ibn `Affan sent word through `Abdullah ibn al-'Abbas that Amir al-mu'minin should leave for Yanbu'

241. Exhorting his men to jihad and asking them to refrain from seeking ease

The Book on Seerate Rasool saww by Shia prominent scholar marhum Allama Syed Ali Naqi Naqvi( Naqqan Sahab)

Thursday, February 09, 2012


  1. ·         A believer is a servant of God who doesn’t oppress his enemies nor does he commit sins for the sake of his friends, who keeps trusts intact and refrains from jealousy, sarcasm and cursing others, who tells the truth though not called to bear witness and calls not people with bad names, who observes humility in prayers, hastes in paying his due alms, keeps patient in calamities and thanks (God) in affluence, who is content with what he has and claims not what he doesn’t, who doesn’t stop doing good deeds due to misery, who keeps company with people to learn and talks to them something to earn, and who forebears oppression and tyranny, awaiting the Merciful God to give him victory
·         A (true) Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand, Muslims at rest stand.
·         A (true) believer does not taunt, damn, slander and abuse people.
·         Bad - temperedness is ill- omened, obedience to women is regrettable, and good- naturedness is growth.
·         Be a company to the Quran and make it your leader and guide, for it’s the word of the Lord of the worlds. It belongs to Him and to Him will it return. Believe in its allegorical verses and take lessons from its parable.
·         Be a follower to the Book(QURAN) of God forever.
·         Be careful about a believer’s wit, for he looks (at things) through the light of God, the Most High!
·         Be early rising, for in it there is blessing.
·         Calamities are rewarded greatly; and should God love a people, He will put them to trial.
·         Call unto your Lord and believe that He will hear you, and know that God will not grant the prayers of those with negligent hearts.
·         Damned is the one who bothers a believer or plots against him.
·         Death is a gift for believers.
·         Death of a lonely person is martyrdom.
·         Faith consists of recognition by heart, acknowledgment by tongue and performance by (bodily) organs.
·         Fasting is a shield against God's punishment.
·         Fear God in treating women, for they are your assisting maidens.
·         Gabriel addressed me, saying: "The Exalted God says, `There is no god but Allah is My fort. Whoever enters it, will be safe against My punishment."
·         Get married and increase in number, for I will pride myself in you over other nations in the Day of Judgement.
·         Give alms(Zakat), for it surely releases you from the Fire.
·         Give alms, for it surely releases you from the Fire.
·         Half of the graves dug for my people is due to evil eyes and gluttony.
·         Haste in seeking knowledge, for uttering true words is better than the world and its gold and silver.
·         I advise you (to be careful) about your neighbors.
·         I advise you to fear the Exalted God(ALLAH) in public and in privacy, to do good after doing evil, to ask nothing from people, to hold nothing on trust and to avoid judging between two persons.
·         Jealousy eats away good deeds just as fire eats away firewood, and charity puts out (the flames of) sins just as water puts out fire.
·         Keep away from oppression, for it will bring (you) darkness in the Day of Judgement.
·         Laughing is of two kinds- that which God likes, i.e. a man's smiling at his brother's face out of pleasure to see him, and that which the Exalted God dislikes, i.e. a man's saying something false or unjust to laugh or make people laugh and thus, falling to Hell for seventy autumns.
·         Make a pilgrimage(HAJJ) to Mecca, needlessness to gain; and travel, healthy to remain.
·         Never will God put to Fire the flesh of a servant to whom He has given good countenance and character.
·         O God! Beautify my temper as You beautified my face.
·         Read the Quran and act upon it. Do not leave it, do not exaggerate about it, do not earn your living through it, and do not seek superiority (abundance) by means of it.
·         Safeguard the earth, for it is your mother who will report (to God) the good or evil any one does on it
·         Paradise will be the reward of the one with three daughters, who trains them in good manners, gives them in marriage and is kind to them.
·         Passionate love of the world is the source of all evils.
·         Patience belongs to God, and haste to Satan.
·         Patience to faith is like unto brain to body.
·         Pay a visit to patients and ask them to pray for you, since their praying will be granted and their sins forgiven (by God).
·         Pay a visit to the graves (of all), Hereafter to recall.
·         People are Adam's sons (anyway), and Adam was made of clay.
·         People are all dependents of God, and the most favorite of them to God is the most beneficial to His dependents.

Please recite Surah Fatiha for Najma Begam